-Let’s celebrate our bodies!
There is a simple truth, that our world is gradually waking up to;
Every body is beautiful & lovable!
Most of us know this to be true.. but,
when it comes to our own inner dialog and moments in front of a mirror,
are we really lovable towards our body?
It’s turns out,
it is one thing to know this truth
and it’s another to live it.
How can we feel that truth? How can we live it?
How can we truly embody that love?
We know we should love our bodies, we should be kind and self loving to ourselves. That can create a double effect where we first might have a moment where we judge something about ourselves, and then we end up judging ourselves for judging ourselves. All this does is create a never ending spiral that offers no increase of self love.
Every Body Love is a projects that brings women together on this topic. We sit in circle and share about our relationship to our bodies; our struggles and our celebrations. Beyond comparison and competition we can meet and feel each other. We undress both our physical and emotional body, reviling what wants to be seen in order to be healed.
There are no words that can describe the energy that fills the space when a group of naked women are free to just be, just the way they are, together. We share the stories of our bodies, our likes, dislikes, struggles, pain, wounds and vulnerabilities. We came together in circle, meditate and have lunch naked. Then we celebrate, laugh and have fun infront of the camera.
As we share our own experience and hear the brave hearts of our sisters and as we move, dance and explore our bodies- something changes inside. Something is released and dropped and something else emerges; a freedom and a sense of aliveness, that makes the body move and express differently.
“I’ve come to realise, and I guess witness through my camera lens,
how being fully in our bodies is what makes us truly beautiful.
Once there, we are able to move in our own way, dance to our own beat and liberate our true expression.”
Your body.
A flow of lines.
A river of shapes,
in harmony together,
telling the story of aliveness.
What do you say to your body?
What do you say to yourself;
- When you stand infront of the mirror?
- When you try on clothes in a store?
- When you undress and are naked?
Most of us would never say the things we say too ourself to anyone else, because we know that it’s not loving. We know that judgments are rather hurtful and can leave long lasting scars.
So how come we still sometimes say them to ourselves?